Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to make Recycle Leis

First crochet a necklace using this pattern from FoxesLane.

Next make flowers from water bottle using this pattern I found on Instructables. I used spray paint instead of using a brush and I think they turned out really well. Stop before adding the thumb tacks in the pattern. I also turned them opposite of the pattern because I thought the cut side could be itchy.

Note the small water bottles are easier to use than 20oz soda bottles but I think they look good together.

Next take bottle caps and using a penny nail punch 2 holes in both the flower and the bottle caps. Then spray paint the bottle caps yellow.

Attatch to the crocheted necklace with fishing line. Thread up through the flower and bottle cap and down the other side and I used the portion if the rik rak that has a chain so it has a slight hole.

I had the kids put together their leis at my very first jewelry show ad month ago. We had about 10 kids ranging in ages from 6-17, boys and girls putting together their own leis. I had planned on 6 so they only got 2-3 flowers each this time. Next time I will make extras!